Got tagged by Welcome Young…so here goes…
1. If you could have $100 worth of scrapbook paper or assorted embellishments, which would you choose? Only $100? heh. I want stamps from and three of everything Hambly makes.
2. If you had to choose between stamps or rub-ons, which would you choose? Stamps, baby. I’m rub-on impaired.
3. If you knew how to do both awesome cards & layouts, but could do only one for a year which would you do? Layouts. I’m done with cards.
4. Would you rather own a scrapbooking store or have your own scrapping room at home? Well, my sister owns a scrapbook store and I know how much work it takes…and I admit I do have my own "studio" (i.e. spare room for art-ing). What I wish my studio had, though, is built-in storage, a sealed concrete floor, and a utility sink.
5. What is your current scrapping or cardmaking style? I do whatever I want and don’t worry about rules or other people’s expectations. Is that a style?
I am bad at tagging people, so if you want to do this tag go ahead & then post in the comments and I will come and check it out!