A narrow escape…

Today I am physically and emotionally exhuasted…was on my way to the art museum this morning and I narrowly escaped a terrible auto accident. The guy behind me in the HOV lane (I was about 3 seconds ahead of him) was t-boned by an SUV. Why the SUV was driving perpendicular to traffic I have no idea. But I looked in my rear-view mirror and saw him t-bone the mustang just behind me. The mustang smashed into the median and then twisted back across all 4 lanes of traffic. The SUV rolled 7 times, all the windows blew out. I saw the whole thing–it was like being in a surreal movie. And I started shaking and crying because it was almost me, it so easily could have been me. 3 seconds ahead. 3 seconds is what saved me.

So to console myself I ate way too many "7 Layer Bar" cookies and a burrito supreme from Taco Bell. Seriously, why am I such a stress eater? Why can’t I think, "Gee, I’m so stressed out! I think I’ll eat a cucumber!!" Aargh. But I am thankful to be alive. Fat & alive.

Below: more fun with spray inks (for last month’s ScrapGal newsletter).
