Trip report…


Looks like Mickey needs to lay off the Girl Scout cookies. We went to Disneyland last week, hence the lack of updates on the ole blog. We had fun. It’s nice being at Disneyland with no diaper bag, no sippy cup, no stroller, no crying bratty kids…wait. We still had the crying kids. But none of the other stuff.


Prepare to mourn. RIP dear lens…I dropped my camera bag as I walked into the park on the first day. My camera took it right on the lens, and sure enough, it broke (insert weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth here). The broken lens really crippled my photography. I used my larger zoom lens one day, but carrying that camera & heavy lens around about pulled my spine out of alignment. So the other days I used my 55 mm portrait lens. Sigh. The cost of replacing my lens is about $350…anyone willing to chip in? I can give you my Paypal address. I can do the Napoleon dance for a fee. Ha.