Whatever miscellany…

"Whatever" sums up my day. Sigh.

Saw this "10 Things I Recommend" idea on Kathy M’s blog. Thought I’d jump on the bandwagon…

1. ClothPaperScissors. Inspiring, eclectic, different, challenging…I love this magazine! If only they published it more than four times a year.

2. Indie Crafts. Check out places like Etsy, Plain Mabel, Pink Thread, and the Indie Collective.

3. Bare Escentuals makeup. I was skeptical at first, but I love this stuff. I wear the foundation in Fairly Light. The Mineral Veil is a must-have, too.

4. Any book by Margaret Atwood, especially the Blind Assassin.

5. Plug-Ins. I love ’em.

6. Keeping a journal. You can keep any kind of journal…just write something down! It’s therapeutic, it’s fun, and someday your posterity may thank you. Or they’ll think you’re a big dork. But at least you’ll leave a legacy.

7. Travel. Get out of town. Seriously, get out. Go somewhere, experience something, get an idea of what life is like beyond your little sphere of influence. If you can, travel overseas. It will change your life.

8. A good digital SLR camera. I’m partial to Nikons, but a Canon will do ya just fine, too. You’ll never regret spending money on a good camera. What are you going to think when you’re 90, "gosh, I wish I didn’t have so many great pictures."??

9. Pei Wei Spicy Shrimp. Yum.

10. Smashbox lip gloss. Luscious stuff. It’s not too sticky, but it stays on.