Holy bad backpain, Batman…

Well, it’s official, I’m on drugs. Ha. Muscle relaxants & steroids, and Vicodin for pain if I need one. I am slooowwly starting to feel normal again, starting to move about & around. Yay! The chiropractor told me that I have early onset osteoarthritis. Well, yay, aren’t I just the lucky one?

Thanks to everyone who emailed me & posted their concern & well wishes, I really appreciate it!

Wasted a bunch of time on Blogthings.com. Did you know that:

Your Scholastic Strength Is Deep Thinking
You aren’t afraid to delve head first into a difficult subject, with mastery as your goal.
You are talented at adapting, motivating others, managing resources, and analyzing risk.

You should major in:

Foreign language

Your Brain’s Pattern
Your mind is a multi dimensional wonderland, with many layers.
You’re the type that always has multiple streams of though going.
And you can keep these thoughts going at any time.
You’re very likely to be engaged in deep thought – and deep conversation.

Sooooooooo…if I’m such a deep thinker, how come the only thing I can think of to blog about today is laundry and the glories of the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser?

More food for thought:

Your Hair Should Be Orange
Expressive, deep, and one of a kind.
You pull off "weird" well – hardly anyone notices.

Umm…I think people are noticing the "weird" thing I have going on. LOL!


I am in serious pain…lower back pain in the spine and muscles, and it has now migrated to my hip, too. I see the doctor today and chiro tomorrow. Think healing thoughts for me, if you get a moment. I’m sick & tired of being incapacitated.


I was outside planting flowers in my pots, letting the moist soil get under my fingernails and not caring one bit, listening to a bird singing singing singing singing, "Look at me! Look at me!" The sun was warm but not too hot on my neck and I dug and planted and fertilized and made my small little spaces beautiful.

Life. Is. Good.

Monday miscellany…

Found this in my fortune cookie:


I’m waiting. I’m waaaaaiiittting.

I got my China album done! It’s 104 pages and weighs…get this…15 pounds. If you wanna come look at it, you might need to do some weight training to get your biceps into shape. Be sure to wear a back brace, too.


The best thing about my China album is that it is DONE. When it comes to this album, done is better than perfect!!

I’m aching to do some art this week…I’ve been too busy to even crack open my art journal.

This week, I will:

  • work on my art journal
  • go walking 3 times
  • mop my kitchen floor
  • start reading Time Will Darken It.
  • Put a bunch of stamp sets up on ebay.

Whatever miscellany…

"Whatever" sums up my day. Sigh.

Saw this "10 Things I Recommend" idea on Kathy M’s blog. Thought I’d jump on the bandwagon…

1. ClothPaperScissors. Inspiring, eclectic, different, challenging…I love this magazine! If only they published it more than four times a year.

2. Indie Crafts. Check out places like Etsy, Plain Mabel, Pink Thread, and the Indie Collective.

3. Bare Escentuals makeup. I was skeptical at first, but I love this stuff. I wear the foundation in Fairly Light. The Mineral Veil is a must-have, too.

4. Any book by Margaret Atwood, especially the Blind Assassin.

5. Plug-Ins. I love ’em.

6. Keeping a journal. You can keep any kind of journal…just write something down! It’s therapeutic, it’s fun, and someday your posterity may thank you. Or they’ll think you’re a big dork. But at least you’ll leave a legacy.

7. Travel. Get out of town. Seriously, get out. Go somewhere, experience something, get an idea of what life is like beyond your little sphere of influence. If you can, travel overseas. It will change your life.

8. A good digital SLR camera. I’m partial to Nikons, but a Canon will do ya just fine, too. You’ll never regret spending money on a good camera. What are you going to think when you’re 90, "gosh, I wish I didn’t have so many great pictures."??

9. Pei Wei Spicy Shrimp. Yum.

10. Smashbox lip gloss. Luscious stuff. It’s not too sticky, but it stays on.

Trip report…


Looks like Mickey needs to lay off the Girl Scout cookies. We went to Disneyland last week, hence the lack of updates on the ole blog. We had fun. It’s nice being at Disneyland with no diaper bag, no sippy cup, no stroller, no crying bratty kids…wait. We still had the crying kids. But none of the other stuff.


Prepare to mourn. RIP dear lens…I dropped my camera bag as I walked into the park on the first day. My camera took it right on the lens, and sure enough, it broke (insert weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth here). The broken lens really crippled my photography. I used my larger zoom lens one day, but carrying that camera & heavy lens around about pulled my spine out of alignment. So the other days I used my 55 mm portrait lens. Sigh. The cost of replacing my lens is about $350…anyone willing to chip in? I can give you my Paypal address. I can do the Napoleon dance for a fee. Ha.

Happy Monday…

Today is the first day of Spring Break (save me), so I may not be sane around much this week.

I threw out my back yesterday picking up a Q-tip. Yes, people, a Q-tip. Is that the most pathetic thing ever, or what???

I did this LO a few weeks ago, thought I’d post it.


Diet Jeopardy…

Alex: The categories are Diet Sabotage, Diet Woes, Diet Horror Stories, and Starts with H for Hungry. Dina, you’re up. Select a category.

Dina: I’ll take Diet Sabotage for $500, Alex.

Alex: A thin, chocolately diet saboteur that’s sold by green-outfitted pre-teens.

Dina: What are Thin Mints?

Alex: Correct.