North Rim…

I need to blog about the North Rim (as in the Grand Canyon). Saw it the other day…cool stuff. There are a few stories & pictures I need to share from the adventure, but I’m too tired to write ’em now.

I’m feeling bad about something and it won’t go away. I hate that.


is my birthday.

I almost didn’t post today. I was feeling kinda down. I’m always bummed on my birthday, I don’t know why. It’s complicated.

Got some cards in the mail. Got an awesome Polish Pottery Garlic Keeper from my in-laws…yay! Got some emails & calls from family. My little sis sent me an gift certificate…perfect since I have a wish list about 6 pages long. Some friends took me to lunch. I appreciated that. It was nice. Lulu got me the expensive scripture marker pencil that I’d been coveting–awesome. Another friend gave me yummy shower scrub, and another paid for my babysitting so I could go to lunch. Way cool. Another friend gave me a Willowtree figurine and wrote me the nicest note…a keeper (both the note and the friend). Another friend who is out of state called me & we chatted. Miss her. Another friend is taking me to Marshalls for some retail therapy. 🙂

I’m so thankful for family & friends, and that they took the time to wish me happy birthday, to write me a note, to spend time with me.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


A break from regularly scheduled programming…

I am currently staring down Day 3 of Cub Scout Day Camp. We leave every day around 2:00 p.m. and get back at 10:30 p.m. We have 15 boys to corral and manage and discipline and get from place to place. Oh, and did I mention that it’s been over 110 degrees here? Yeah. Real fun. Today I could barely get out of bed. Everything hurts. And, enter allergies. Yes, good ole allergies. I don’t have the kind of allergies that take a break over the summer. In fact, the sickest I have ever been with allergies was in July one year. So, my sinuses are screaming, "don’t go back!" But I have to go back one more day. One more day.

I was online browsing the lenses at and almost ordered this to console myself…then realized that it’s out of stock. Crud! Think I could get away with ordering this instead? There’s only a slight price difference (snort, gag). Good thing it’s out of stock, too, or I might think I deserve it. Ha.

My lips hurt real bad…

Got sunburned lips from the hike we took yesterday on West Fork Trail in Oak Creek Canyon. Fun trail…very scenic, very easy. The kids had a blast. Went with Wendy and her little ones.

Had some settings in my camera ramped up as an experiment….did no photoshopping of these pics. The colors are kinda funky b/c of the settings, but there ya go. There are blown-out highlights every where you look…gotta love direct sun.



A true story…

I live in a pig sty.


We moved our entertainment center, and Oh. My. Goodness. We found an egg shell (yellow & blue, from Easter apparently), 7 pieces of ABC gum (that’s Already Been Chewed), two apple cores (nicely dehydrated, thank goodness for dry heat), half of a lime (again, dehydrated), several Go-Gurt wrappers and corn dog sticks, various and sundry candy wrappers, and about 1,296 very dusty legos.

UGH. I flipped a lid and made my kids pick it all up. It’s typical, though. Kids aren’t supposed to eat in front of the TV (family rule), but they sneak food and then to get rid of the evidence, they stuff it under the furniture. Lovely.

I hate to think what’s under the couch. Oy!
