A break from regularly scheduled programming…

I am currently staring down Day 3 of Cub Scout Day Camp. We leave every day around 2:00 p.m. and get back at 10:30 p.m. We have 15 boys to corral and manage and discipline and get from place to place. Oh, and did I mention that it’s been over 110 degrees here? Yeah. Real fun. Today I could barely get out of bed. Everything hurts. And, enter allergies. Yes, good ole allergies. I don’t have the kind of allergies that take a break over the summer. In fact, the sickest I have ever been with allergies was in July one year. So, my sinuses are screaming, "don’t go back!" But I have to go back one more day. One more day.

I was online browsing the lenses at Adorama.com and almost ordered this to console myself…then realized that it’s out of stock. Crud! Think I could get away with ordering this instead? There’s only a slight price difference (snort, gag). Good thing it’s out of stock, too, or I might think I deserve it. Ha.