A true story…

I live in a pig sty.


We moved our entertainment center, and Oh. My. Goodness. We found an egg shell (yellow & blue, from Easter apparently), 7 pieces of ABC gum (that’s Already Been Chewed), two apple cores (nicely dehydrated, thank goodness for dry heat), half of a lime (again, dehydrated), several Go-Gurt wrappers and corn dog sticks, various and sundry candy wrappers, and about 1,296 very dusty legos.

UGH. I flipped a lid and made my kids pick it all up. It’s typical, though. Kids aren’t supposed to eat in front of the TV (family rule), but they sneak food and then to get rid of the evidence, they stuff it under the furniture. Lovely.

I hate to think what’s under the couch. Oy!
