Shop indie this holiday…

I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving. I’m thankful for many things, particularly this country in which speech is free. You might not like what people have to say, but it is vitally important that they are FREE to say it. I was only in China for 10 days, but the icy grip of Communism affected me and my little ole’ blog. So write in your blog today and be thankful that you can do it.

Some great indie shopping sites for the holidays:

Stupid Creatures, from the imagination of John Murpy. "They’re cheaper than taxidermy and nothing has to die." You can also buy John’s book Stupid Sock Creatures at and make your own.


Gerbera. Get your skull stockings and cool ipod covers here.

Pixie Girl Shop. Handmade stuff by artists from around the world.

Scarlet Beautiful. Cool t-shirts. I need this one:
