I’ve been tagged by Cheryl P!
4 Jobs You Have Had in Your Life
- Star McDonald’s employee. *Snort.* Do you want fries with that? How about a minimum wage job, french-fry basket burns on your arms, and a manager who is a letch??
- Newspaper carrier. Collecting was the worst.
- Legal Dept. Scut Worker (not my official title) for Dow Chemical. I had to abstract depositions all day…ugh. Did you know that if you work in a factory and drown in a vat of chemicals due to your own carelessness, your family can sue the company that made the chemicals? If you drowned in a lake, would you sue God??
- Technical Writer. Don’t judge me by my current writing, I’m just not trying too hard.
4 Movies You Could Watch Over & Over
- Pirates of the Carribbean.
- My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
- Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
- Harry Potter movies.
4 Places You Have Lived
- Terrington St. Clement, England.
- Midland, Michigan.
- Heath, Ohio.
- Concord, California.
4 TV Shows You Love to Watch
- Lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 24.
- Prison Break (yeah, it’s lame, but fun to watch if you don’t think about it too hard).
- Fav. Food Network shows (Good Eats, Unwrapped).
4 Places You Have Been on Vacation
- China.
- Egypt.
- Lake Tahoe.
- France.
4 Websites You Visit Daily
- www.scrapgal.com
- www.scrapbookaddict.com
- www.cnn.com
- Beaucoup blogs.
4 of Your Favorite Foods
- Dark chocolate. Preferably See’s Dark Scotchmallow, Bordeaux, or Butter Chew.
- Good homemade whole-wheat bread with butter. I make killer 100% whole wheat bread with wheat that I grind myself. Do ya want some??
- Homemade cinnamon rolls. I make killer cinnamon rolls, too. [On a side note, why can’t I lose weight?? Hmm.]
- Dried mangos…I’m on a dried fruit kick.
4 Places You Would Rather Be Right Now
- Lake Tahoe, north shore, Nevada side.
- In bed, asleep!
- England.
- San Diego.
4 Bloggers You Are Tagging