A little bit of nothing here, a little bit of nothing there…

I’m a slug. Yessiree.

For a little voyeuristic escapism, try Found Magazine. (FYI: There’s a book, too.)  Every day on the website, they feature a "find" of the day. Kinda weird and kinda funny, two of my favorite qualities. I particularly like the "found" photographs. It just doesn’t seem right that a photograph gets lost in the world. Grocery lists, fine. Notes you put on your boyfriend’s car window, okay. But a photograph? Why is it lost and who is that person sitting in the lawnchair drinking a Fresca?

Here’s an example of a "found" note:


No Nuthin
FOUND by "Assistant Editor"

I found this sticking to a traffic cone inside the University of Alaska Anchorage Campus Center. I’m assuming it’s a wet paint sign, but there was nothing being painted that I saw.