Just some thoughts…

We picked a few new members today for the ScrapGal Design Team. The selection process is difficult for me because inherent in the process is the disappointment that the scrappers feel who aren’t picked. And I don’t like to be in a position where I disappoint people. It stinks.

I’m always so impressed by the number of people who apply to be on the Design Team. I look at and enjoy every layout. The selection process never comes down to who is the "best" scrapper. It always comes down to what style of scrapper that we’re looking for at this time to round out the DT. We’ve added some great, great scrappers to the DT (yay Marci, Brenda and Jody!). And we’ve had to say "thanks, maybe next time" to many, many more great scrappers. It’s the nature of the beast, I know. C’est la vie.

On to other subjects…

We had our Easter egg hunt this morning. My pics did not turn out well…guess I wasn’t in the mama-razzi mode today. I woke up tired.
