Alive & kicking…..

Yo. Long time no blog. I tried to blog last week but Typepad was down (bad Typepad). Then I went out of town to Women’s Conference at BYU. It was uplifting, so many wonderful messages. I’ll share one…

Johanna Flynn spoke and told a funny story about a farmer. He was out farming his land when a neighbor drove by. The neighbor observed the farmer and his practices and offered to help him. See, the farmer wasn’t too efficient and was farming in an amateurish way. The farmer scoffed at the neighbor and said, "I don’t need your help! I’m not farming half as good as I know how!"

We’re like that sometimes. We’re going through life doing only half as good as we know how. We need to wake up, do better, be better, be true to what we know. We need to ban complacency and start LIVING. Really living, not just going through the motions with a half-hearted effort. Carpe diem, ya know?

I love that.

I loved being near the mountains. I’ve decided that I’m really not a desert girl at heart. I’ve lived here 11 years, I’ve assimilated. Kinda. But I think I’d move back to the mountains in a heartbeat. This year they were green (a result of the wet Spring weather) and snowcapped. Just so beautiful. Sigh.

I came home to barfing kids and fevers…back into the fire!

Did I mention that the piece-o-crap Dell is going back? I had a tantrum on the phone with Harkreet from India (their customer support) and they agreed to take it back w/ no shipping fee or restocking penalty. Good riddance.