Everything is out of sorts….my brain, my house…everything. I’ve been having that oh-so-tired-down-deep-in-the-bones feeling again. Not good.
The goal this week is one art journal page. And to take a few pictures every day. And to pick up all the crud that’s out of place in this house. My "studio" is a mess and I simply can’t work in here. I need to get rid of the computer boxes and finish the rearranging that I started a few weeks ago.
Mother’s Day was okay. Nice. Reed & the kiddos made me breakfast. I have mixed feelings about Mother’s Day. For many years I loathed that day because I didn’t have a baby to call my own. Then I hated it because of those pompous church sermons about how glorified mothers are and how the best mothers never yell at their kids, never break down, always have fresh bread in the oven and dinner on the table when Dad comes home. Ya know, all those things that I most definitely AM NOT.
I am a good mother. But I’m imperfect. I try hard. And I figure that has to count for something.
And I can do the Napoleon dance. That should get me a few mothering bonus points.