Greetings from Hades…

Did you know that I live in the outermost reaches of Hades? No? Well, that’s what it feels like when I’m sitting outside for an hour while the kids are in swimming lessons. It’s hot, people. Then like the ding-a-ling  I am, we stopped at the store for 15-cent boxes of crayons before swimming lessons, which isn’t too smart considering crayons will melt in the car in less than 90 seconds. Duh. So I lugged ten boxes of Crayola around with me at the pool. Very smaht.

I arted yesterday, but the piece isn’t finished.

If summer boredom has set in, feel free to check out the following:

  • Art Quotes. Get inspired and all that crud.
  • Picklebird. An alternative art magazine from LA. Some interesting articles. PG-13 language, though.
  • D’Art. Online marketplace of all kinds of art pieces.
  • World Wide Art. The grand-daddy of all arts resources.