Change happens…

and this week I’m not taking it well. Sigh. I’m struggling with many things right now. I could blurt it all out but it would have to be cryptic for me to feel comfortable posting it, and well, what’s the fun in that. Unless you have a secret desire to decipher code. Nuh-unh.

Came across the trailer for the upcoming season of 24: Click Here to Watch It.

If there’s a sugar-sprinkle and non-pareil shortage at your grocery store it’s because we made sugar cookies the other night and managed to consume 70% of the U.S.’s sugar supply. Because I have no shame I ate 2 yesterday and 2 today (yes, there’s real butter in the cookies AND frosting). I still haven’t come down from the sugar buzz. Maybe that’s why I had the energy to mop my floor and clean my oven today. That’s it, I’ve found the solution for lethargy!