Wanna join us in a barf-a-long? We keep getting different versions of the stomach flu and gleefully passing them around. All for free! You can come over as long as you promise not to vomit on any porous surfaces.
Sick day linkage:
- Events in the Night Sky, photography by Stan Richards. The most awesome pictures of the aurora borealis. He posted some that he took in Dec. 14th over Iowa. Gorgeous images!
- Considering the current status of my Christmas cards this year, I may be sending these.
- Gadgets that prey on the fear in all of us. Why yes, yes I do need a hammer that will break my car window if I find myself submurged in a murky canal. Here’s a direct quote from the product description: "So you need not futilely flail away with kicks or punches." Yay, no futile flailing!!