Spent 4 days at Women’s Conference last week. Had a nice time…came home with a messed-up back. Those hard chairs aren’t good for people with scoliosis. No siree.
Bought pink, purple, and green graph paper at the bookstore…stuff like that makes this messy scrapper very happy!
Made cornbread yesterday and totally messed it up (um, yeah, left out the sugar). Icky. We dumped it and I made cinnamon cake instead as a consolation. Nothing like chili and cinnamon cake. Mmm.
Today I need to dig out. I know my house is here somewhere under all this junk. And maybe I’ll get my suitcase put away before the end of May. There are so many fruit-by-the-foot wrappers around DS’s computer that they might actually be a nest for a small rodent.