The uber-talented and inspiring Marilyn tagged me with the Thinking Blogger award…so fun! What you do is list 5 blogs you like to read, then you are tagged to do the same.
1. Quietish by Rosemary Waits. I stalk her for her artsiness and always enjoy her knittiness.
2. Make Art Every Day by Marci Lambert. Inspirational, real, accessible.
3. The Wish Jar by Keri Smith. Okay, she’s not likely to do this meme. But I love her blog, her guerilla approach to art, her environmental sensibilities, and her all-around encouragement that she exudes to perfect strangers.
4. Just Me Again by Maria. She’s one of the nicest, sincerest people on the web.
5. Misty Mawn by Misty Mawn. One of my art idols. Her blog is a visual feast.