So, I only got about 2 hours sleep the night before I had to leave to CHA. I woke up to get ready, and my head was pounding…I decided to take 2 Excedrin so I could ward off the migraine and endure the plane ride. I opened a pill bottle by my bed & popped two pills…the only problem is they weren’t Excedrin. They were Tylenol PM. Yes, I undertook a stressful standby wait at the airport and a 3-hour plane ride with a honking dose of Tylenol PM in my system. AARGH! I tried to get ’em to come back up, but they wouldn’t. So I was very drowsy, nauseous, and even tingly at some points. Geez.
I’ll post a trip report a bit later…spending time w/ my kiddos and getting some stuff done first.