Got tagged by Francine, Sherine, and Mel… The basic gist is list "7 (or 6) Quirks/Weirdness About Yourself" I’ve done this tag at least 3 times before, but sadly have not run out of quirks to expose to the world. Let’s begin, shall we?
- I hate mornings. I just don’t feel good in the a.m. Please don’t talk to me until at least 10:00 a.m. and even then, use short sentences.
- I’m one of the only English majors in the world who does not love the book Pride & Prejudice.
- I love reading magazines. I’m currently addicted to Business Week and Wired. Thanks to the redemption of some almost-ready-to-expire airline miles, I also take Oprah, Domino, Blueprint, Cookie, W, Harper’s Bazaar, Family Fun, Conde Nast Traveler, In Style, TV Guide, ESPN mag, and a few others I can’t even remember. (Yep, that’s what the airline miles from my China trip got me.) That list doesn’t include my scrap/art mags. I’m not looking forward to the renewal notices on all those mags…I didn’t pay for ’em and I’m only gonna renew my absolute favorites. And yes, I recycle those puppies (and their renewal notices).
- I love Lucky Charms, but I don’t eat ’em for breakfast. I eat ’em for dessert.
- I just asked Carter what is weird about me and he said, "Nothing, why do you ask that?" heh. The brainwashing is working…
- I like to dance in the aisles of Target.
- I asked Curt what is weird about me and he said, "Your imagination." Hmm. Note to self: more brainwashing required for this specimen.
Okay, I am offically calling "game over" on this tag…I hereby promise to not put more random quirkness about myself out there in the universe (at least not in this meme format).