Any local peeps interested in a mixed-media group?

Update 9/19/2010–Thanks for all the interest, I'm overwhelmed (and slightly worried since there's only room for about 12 about the store…eeks!). I'll set up a date & let you all know. This will be fun!


I've been toying around with this idea for-evah…and finally ready to get it going. Kathie from The Creative Quest said that we can meet at her store (woo hoo!!). So…is anyone interested in being part of a mixed-media group? We could meet once a month, create art, support each other, and just plain ole have fun. Think of it as a gathering for kindred art spirits.

If you're interested, email me! I'll start a mailing list & we'll get our first couple of meetings scheduled.

And, because every post needs a picture, here's an old piece…I think I gave this away, I don't have it any more.
