Creative Therapy…your OLW

Over at Creative Therapy (where the guest is the awesome Katie Kendrick!!), we're making art that highlights our "One Little Word" for 2011.

Dina CT due jan 1 02

My word is "confidence"…not confidence as in self-esteem (because I'm comfortable in my skin), but confidence to try something different. I want to confidently branch out and try new things. I want to grow with confidence and with a smile on my face. I've got plenty of artistic insecurity, trust me…and sometimes I'm my own biggest critic and obstacle (geez, aren't we all? Why do we do that to ourselves?). Some things I don't even try because I've told myself I can't do that. This year I'm banishing that type of thinking.

The bottom line is making art saves me. Making art is a compulsion I have. I must do it. I'm happy when I do it. And I'm even happy when I'm making crappy art…lol. The process, not the end product, has so much value.

Here's to a confident 2011!