2011Ready for a challenge? Time to get “out of the journal”….
and onto canvas!
Fellow artist Samie Kira and I are up for a challenge…and we decided to invite you to join us! In August, we're going to get out of our journals and onto canvas! Here are the details:
- In August, do 2 canvases per week. Any size (well, I'd say 8×10 at the smallest…biggest is up to you). Weeks run Aug 1-7, Aug 8-14, Aug 15-21, Aug 22-31 (you get extra days in that last week).
- Theme can be ANYTHING…and you don't have to be entirely finished. But at least a GOOD start, if you know what I mean. Make an effort.
- Canvases can get pricey…if you like, you can work on canvas board. Or, even large sheets of paper or chipboard. The point is to work on something OUTSIDE of your journal structure! There's nothing like putting paint on a canvas, though…hint hint, push push.
- Post your canvases each week if you have a blog (or use flickr, or picasa)…and link back to our weekly posts.
- Each time you leave a comment on my blog w/ a link to one of your canvases (one comment per canvas), I'll put your name in a drawing for a free spot in any one of my art journaling classes! I'll draw the winner on Sept 1st. Be sure to leave a comment on Samie Kira's blog, too…you could win a spot in one of her classes. Woot!
- Don't stress, don't worry…this is loosey-goosey. It's about the experience, it's about stretching, it's about doing something new. We'll be posting tips, observations, etc. as we go along.
Are you game?