Alameda Flea Market Bliss…

Kl 02

I spent the weekend with the amazing kl…eating, arting, laughing, scheming. We've never really had a chance to sit down and create art together, so we set up a table in the garage and went nuts! I got a kick out of kl's hands…they had a stencil pattern on them.

Kl 01

A couple of my backgrounds set out to dry…

Kl 03

On Sunday, kl indoctrinated me in all things Alameda. I've been wanting to go to the famous flea market there for years. Oh my, it was everything I thought it would be and more. It was killing me seeing all these beautiful things that I wanted to buy but had no way of getting home. Like these amazing furniture pieces made out of reclaimed wood and windows. Sigh.

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Almost everything in this booth was sold…and it's no wonder. The furniture was amazing.

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Kl 08

This is an old bakery cabinet…for cooling down pies. I think I need it in my studio.

Kl 11

I loved, loved this orange postal table. What a great surface it would be in the studio!!

Kl 12

Loved the mirrors made out of old pressed tin.

Kl 06

Look at this deep-set reclaimed window…so cool (and sold).

Kl 09

I just need to rent a U-Haul and drive up there…seriously. I'm going to do it. We were there for 3 1/2 horus and saw less than half of the market. 

Kl 10

I'll be baaaaack!