2011Last day of the Out of the Journal August Challenge!
I painted over this one a bunch of times, and finally had to just cover it w/ text paper. Nothing was clicking today! But that's how it goes, right?
Here are all my canvases from this month (and a few from the summer) all laid out on my back patio. So fun to see them in a group! I didn't notice until I was editing these photos that some of these are upside down….oy! Where is my brain?
Will you do me a favor? If I haven't already posted your Week 4 link, will you please link it up again to this post? I am desperately working on projects due tomorrow & it would be nice not to have to go dig through various posts for links. Thank ye! I will add links to the bottom of this post later today. And I draw the winner of my class tomorrow.
I have to say, looking at all of your canvases this month has been an absolute pleasure. Truly. Thanks so much for participating…I definitely feel inspired work on canvas more often.
Canvases for you to enjoy: