A flair for buttons…

My sweet friend Shelley Haganman made these buttons for me…they're an image from my artwork, and then she also put my new website on them (dinawakley.com). How fun is that??

Buttons 1

Buttons 2

Check out Shelley's "A Flair for Buttons" blog and Etsy shop. Seriously cute stuff! Thanks, Shelley!

Fella #3 took this picure of me on Saturday…he thought it was so funny that I had black paint up to my elbows, yet couldn't explain *how* I had ended up with black paint up to my elbows.


See that massive file in the background that is exploding with stuff? That's my "unfinished/warm up" box…where I put stuff I've started & might need another time. Me thinks I need a bigger box, eh?