I'm honored to part of Seth's blog tour for his new book, The Pulse of Mixed Media: Secrets and Passions of 100 Artists Revealed.
Seth has a kind and generous artistic spirit, which shines through in this book. I love Seth's thoughtful approach to art-making. He asks questions, makes you think, helps you figure out the WHY and not just the HOW. Love that. That's what his book is…an exploration of the "why."
During his "Pulse" series that he runs on his blog, he had us take pictures of a collection from our studios. I decided to do my mangy brushes. They are bruised & battered, but oh how I love them!
Be sure to visit the other blogs in the tour…they are:
April 2 Rice Freeman-Zachery
April 3 Stephanie Lee
April 4 Ali Edwards
April 5 Ro Bruhn
April 6 Roben-Marie Smith
April 7 Nancy Lefko
April 8 Kelly Kilmer
April 9 Trudi Sissons
April 10 Melody Nunez
April 11 Dina Wakley {yay, you are here}
April 12 Stephanie Hilvitz
Seth asked us to answer 3 questions from the book…so here I go:
Do you enjoy working more intuitively or by carefully thinking through your process? I do everything intuitively. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. But when I begin a piece or an art journal page, it's all about play. I never have an end-result in mind. Ever. I put color down, play a bit…then I listen to the art and do what it wants me to do next. It sounds really new-agey and weird, and I am not very new-agey (but I probably am weird…heh). But this is how art works for me. I create and listen.
What is one current trend that you wish would go away?
You know, I don't get too bothered about trends. Trends fade eventually, and I don't let other people's art bug me. I try to appreciate it for what it is. I am guilty of using the some imagery over and over again…but I consider it a "motif" instead of a "rut." heh.
How has the Internet changed your artistic practice?
For me, the great thing about the internet is that it has opened up a world-wide artistic community. It's easier to find "your people" (i.e. people who "get it") with the internet. Of course, it has some bad things (copying and stealing, boo). But I love the sharing aspect of the internet, and how it links us all together.