2012Links for you to peruse…
Back in February I taught a fun project at Art from the Heart in the UK. I still haven't managed to photograph my entire book, but I wanted to share links to some of the artists who created in the class. The theme was "Poetry in Motion"…the book opens different directions, has an explosion, and even spins!
For the drawings, we drew inspiration from Tina Berning's 100 Girls on Cheap Paper. Fabulous book of Tina's illustrations. Sometimes to learn to draw, you need to copy and draw inspiration from great artists. I want to make sure Tina gets the credit for the inspiration!
100 Girls on Cheap Paper: Drawings by Tina Berning
My cover:
Bernice's book…click here.
Maggie's book…click here.
Ann's book…click here.
Sweet Jude sent me some pics of hers…will post those when I post more pics of mine. Geez, can my to-do list get any longer? hee hee