Last year we did "Out of the Journal" for the whole month of August. Anyone game to do it again? The idea is to stretch yourself out of your journal by working on canvas, and exercise your creative muscle. The canvases I made last year are pretty bad (heh heh), but I like them. And I'm excited to do it again!
Here are the rules…
1. Try to do one canvas a week. Any size, any type. It's okay of the canvas isn't "done." Just try!
2. Each week, watch for my post about my canvas, then link up your blog post/flickr gallery/picasa album to my post. I'll summarize them all into a list & add them to my post.
3. Enjoy the creative process!
I hope you'll join me!
ETA: If you want to grab this blinkie to use on your blog, feel free: