What I’ve been up to….

Yes, dropped out of sight again. I have been at the tail-end of a whirl-wind few months, and just couldn't keep up the pace.

A huge thanks to all who have come to classes over the last couple of months. I love, love, love being with "my people"–what my hubby calls my "art people." You all truly inspire me and it is a true pleasure to watch you create art. And a big thanks to all of the store owners who invited me to come and took such great care of me: Lori & Linda at Ink About It, Patti at The Queen's Ink, Maura at My Heart's Fancy, Carolyn at The Crafty Scrapper, Deanna at Clipper Street, and Barb at Bizzy B's.

I've been traveling & teaching so much that I haven't spent much personal time in my journals at all. I've missed it. I am looking forward to sitting and expressing and allowing the stresses and the joys of the last few months to spill out.

One thing I have been doing is "100 Faces." I first heard about this from Carla Sonheim, where she recommended drawing a face a day for 100 days. When I teach my face drawing class, I always mention Carla's idea to students and I encourage them to set a personal goal to do it! A couple of Facebook groups have sprouted up from it, and it's so fun to see everyone's growth and excitement.

I have been playing along in Dawn Sokol's book Art Doodle Love: A Journal of Self-Discovery. Her book is a colorful journal with pre-printed backgrounds and lots of prompts to get you doodling and drawing and putting yourself down on paper. It has been so easy to throw it in my purse & just pull it out and draw in it when I have a chance. I'll share some of my faves in the next couple of days.



So…what have you been up to?