2015An apology…
Those of you signed up for classes with me in Montreal and St. Pete know by now that I have had to cancel.
I apologize. Truly.
If you look at my schedule, you will see that I have been working like a mad woman for a long time. I have kept up a similar pace for several years now.
It has caught up to me. It has caught up to my family. Right now I have to stay home and focus on what matters most. I will come back to Montreal and St. Pete, but I can never get time back with them. So we are hunkering down and weathering a storm. Prayers appreciated.
To all who are struggling with depression, I want you to know this.
Depression is a liar.
It lies to you and it isolates you. It tricks you into thinking you don't matter. But you do. Oh, how you do.
Hold on. You are needed. You are loved. There is help out there.