
Catching up on Smash…

I haven't fallen off the "This is My August" Smashbook challenge yet…(shocking, I know). Still really enjoying it…love capturing bits of my daily life. All of the "Dina" art stuff on these pages is from my left-over & unfinished projects box. I just choose something, cut it up & use it. Easy peasy.

Smash 10

Smash 11

Smash 12

Smash 13

Smash 14

Smash 15

Smash 16

Smash 17

Smash 18

Smash 19

Smash 20

Smash 21

Alameda Flea Market Bliss…

Kl 02

I spent the weekend with the amazing kl…eating, arting, laughing, scheming. We've never really had a chance to sit down and create art together, so we set up a table in the garage and went nuts! I got a kick out of kl's hands…they had a stencil pattern on them.

Kl 01

A couple of my backgrounds set out to dry…

Kl 03

On Sunday, kl indoctrinated me in all things Alameda. I've been wanting to go to the famous flea market there for years. Oh my, it was everything I thought it would be and more. It was killing me seeing all these beautiful things that I wanted to buy but had no way of getting home. Like these amazing furniture pieces made out of reclaimed wood and windows. Sigh.

Kl 04

Kl 05

Almost everything in this booth was sold…and it's no wonder. The furniture was amazing.

Kl 07

Kl 08

This is an old bakery cabinet…for cooling down pies. I think I need it in my studio.

Kl 11

I loved, loved this orange postal table. What a great surface it would be in the studio!!

Kl 12

Loved the mirrors made out of old pressed tin.

Kl 06

Look at this deep-set reclaimed window…so cool (and sold).

Kl 09

I just need to rent a U-Haul and drive up there…seriously. I'm going to do it. We were there for 3 1/2 horus and saw less than half of the market. 

Kl 10

I'll be baaaaack!

More canvas blog links…

More "Out of the Journal" participants for your viewing pleasure…

Sandra's striking collage 

Sandra's second collage

More textures from Ruth.

Michelle's swimmingly cool fish

Cuchy's colorful & bold canvases

Katie's meaningful collage


And the winner is….

The winner of the EK prize pack is…..
How exciting! I can't wait to see you on tv!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Posted by: Michelle Mathey | July 31, 2011 at 08:36 PM
Michelle, just drop me a line and I will put your prize in the mail on Monday. Thanks for all the great comments! I appreciate it!

Now the canvas is grunged up with layers…

lots of layers. I went a little layering crazy, you could say. I like it, though. I need to decide about an image/focal point now. Nothing is coming to me so I'm going to set it aside until inspiration strikes.

Canvas 06

Canvas 07

Canvas 05

Out of the Journal progress…week one

Alrighty! Here's my progress so far for week 1.

This canvas is 16×20…it's finished. I did put collage in the circles & decided I didn't like it so I ripped it off.

Canvas 02

Canvas 01

This one is in progress…first layers of paint down. I will be trying to finish this today, so I'll update tomorrow with the finished piece. This is also 16×20.

Canvas 04

Canvas 03

Check these blogs for more great canvases!! [If you've participated & I've omitted your link, just email me and I'll get it added.] Remember the week isn't over until Sunday…there's still plenty of time to paint & experiment.

Julie Fei-Fan Balzer's portraits…she's the best, need I say more?

Rinda's cool & colorful plaster niche.

Michelle's gorgeous bird.

Tami's vibrant orange and blue.

Ruth's gorgeous textures.



It’s going to be a smashing August…

Some friends and I are going to have a "smashing" August…we're doing a Smash Book challenge! Here are my first 3 pages. My theme is, "This is My August." I'm just doing a page spread a day…simple. I'm really enjoying it! I've been using my webcam to snap a daily pictures…another easy way to record the day. Because I've been sitting at my desk doing work (i.e. art), I've been using bits and pieces left over from my projects. Fun!!

Smash 01

Smash 02

Smash 03

Smash 05

Smash 04

Smash 06

Smash 07

Smash 08

August Jenni Bowlin…

The August kits are so fun…I tell ya, if you don't subscribe, you are missing out. Be sure to head over to the DT galleries, too. Amazing work there!!

Dw aug 08

Dw aug 07

Dw aug 10

Dw aug 09

Dw aug 06

Dw aug 05

Dw aug 01

Dw aug 04

Canvas progress, week 1…

Here's my first canvas for the week….I'm not done yet, I think I will make collages inside the circles. Then I will call it good. The background was turning out *ick*, so I used matte medium to collage on the text papers. Whew, that made it better. When it doubt, add text paper. It seriously can fix things.

Don't know what to make for your first canvas? Turn to a page in your art journal….a page that you love. Recreate it on the canvas. Copy it exactly, or tweak it…up to you!

Canvas 01

Some friends & I are doing a daily Smash Book project this month…I think I'll post my pages for that every few days or so. My pages are just going to be super-quick, my theme is "My August." For example, today I included my receipt from Costco. Fun times!

My dorky self will be on TV….and you could win a prize!

Sc 02

Sc 03

So, in June I had a fun experience. I got to travel to Cleveland to film a 7-minute guest spot on the PBS show "Crafting at the Spotted Canary." It was a great experience! The host, Joy Macdonell, is so sweet and such a pro. She made me feel comfortable, even though I was a nervous nelly! All of the staff on the show were wonderful…I'm so grateful I got to experience it. The process of making a TV show was fascinating! And you should have seen the "green room"–full of amazing projects to be highlighted on this season's show. I'm not sure when my episode will air…I will keep you updated!

Sc 01

The show is sponsored by EK Success, who has generously donated a prize for me to give away. I picked a few of my favorite things that I used on the air…the EK Large Tag Punch (a must), Inkadinkadoo Spray Inks (yum), Millenium Archival Markers (the .08 is my fave), and K&Co Paper Pad Lemon-Citron (love the bright colors). I will draw a random winner on Friday, August 5th from the comments on this post…sorry, I can't ship these goodies internationally since they are quite heavy. Be sure to find the Crafting at the Spotted Canary Facebook page and give them a "Like." You can also sign up on their website to become a member…there are lots of fabulous projects & ideas there.

Ek prize