[Haven’t been able to work on JYC the last few days, but I’ll catch up over the weekend.]
Have you ever wondered how many cans of your favorite caffeinated beverage it would take to kill you? Well, now you can find out.
For me it said: "303.33 cans of Diet Coke + You = Death." ROFL!! And for more amusement, here’s the page on how much chocolate/candy will kill ya:
It told me: "If you eat 440.32 Hershey’s Special Dark bars, you’ll be pushing up daisies." And, even more fascinating, "It would take 13,650.00 Hershey’s Kisses to put you down." WoW!!
I also love this disclaimer on the site: "Disclaimer: This tool is for entertainment purposes only. Nothing on here should be construed as medical advice or information. Don’t try this at home. If you actually try this and end up dying after only 140 drinks instead of 143, it’s not my fault."
LOL!! Sigh. Good times.