Eye candy and soul food…

Eye Candy

Just got Lynne Perrella’s new book Alphabetica. I adore Lynne Perrella. Her artwork is beyond inspiring to me. I hope, hope, hope she’s coming to Art Unraveled again this year. If she’s coming, I don’t care what it costs, I’m taking her class!

Alphabetica is pure eye candy. Lots of inspiration, and little bit of intimidation. (LOL!!)  Fantastic book.


Soul Food

Haven’t been feeling well the last couple of days, so today I made myself the ultimate comfort food: homemade scones. Scones are homemade white bread dough, flattened & fried golden brown. Slather them with butter (no margarine, please, that’s just gaggy!!) and boysenberry jam, and you are in H.E.A.V.E.N., people. Heaven.

Bow to me….

"Hello! Your ideal job is an Emperor of all the world."

All right! Bonus! Score! Ka-ching!

Find out what your ideal job is at: http://www.jobpredictor.com/

Can that be the most meaningless website you’ve ever visited, or what????? I didn’t get to be "Emperor of the World" until I put in my first name, maiden name, and married name. With just my first & last name, my ideal job is a driving instructor. That’s a wee step down from emperor, methinks.

I’ve been tagged…

I’ve been tagged by Cheryl P!

4 Jobs You Have Had in Your Life

  1. Star McDonald’s employee. *Snort.* Do you want fries with that? How about a minimum wage job, french-fry basket burns on your arms, and a manager who is a letch??
  2. Newspaper carrier. Collecting was the worst.
  3. Legal Dept. Scut Worker (not my official title) for Dow Chemical. I had to abstract depositions all day…ugh. Did you know that if you work in a factory and drown in a vat of chemicals due to your own carelessness, your family can sue the company that made the chemicals? If you drowned in a lake, would you sue God??
  4. Technical Writer. Don’t judge me by my current writing, I’m just not trying too hard.

4 Movies You Could Watch Over & Over

  1. Pirates of the Carribbean.
  2. My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
  3. Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
  4. Harry Potter movies.

4 Places You Have Lived

  1. Terrington St. Clement, England.
  2. Midland, Michigan.
  3. Heath, Ohio.
  4. Concord, California.

4 TV Shows You Love to Watch

  1. Lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. 24.
  3. Prison Break (yeah, it’s lame, but fun to watch if you don’t think about it too hard).
  4. Fav. Food Network shows (Good Eats, Unwrapped).

4 Places You Have Been on Vacation

  1. China.
  2. Egypt.
  3. Lake Tahoe.
  4. France.

4 Websites You Visit Daily

  1. www.scrapgal.com
  2. www.scrapbookaddict.com
  3. www.cnn.com
  4. Beaucoup blogs.

4 of Your Favorite Foods

  1. Dark chocolate. Preferably See’s Dark Scotchmallow, Bordeaux, or Butter Chew.
  2. Good homemade whole-wheat bread with butter. I make killer 100% whole wheat bread with wheat that I grind myself. Do ya want some??
  3. Homemade cinnamon rolls. I make killer cinnamon rolls, too. [On a side note, why can’t I lose weight?? Hmm.]
  4. Dried mangos…I’m on a dried fruit kick.

4 Places You Would Rather Be Right Now

  1. Lake Tahoe, north shore, Nevada side.
  2. In bed, asleep!
  3. England.
  4. San Diego.

4 Bloggers You Are Tagging

  1. Carrie
  2. Rhonda
  3. Lea
  4. Wendy. But I bet she won’t do it. Hee hee. I’m throwin’ down the gauntlet!! LOL!

Almost art-ing…

I’ve been almost art-ing today. Getting ready to do the first two art journal prompts for Shimelle’s 2nd Art Journal Challenge. I have my first page gessoed and I’m killing time while it dries. Shim asked everyone to post a pic of some of their art-ing supplies. Here’s mine:


Sweet Carrie asked about my art journaling…I like to use a wire-bound book that has heavy-weight paper. I usually use 8×8 or 10×10 pages…I buy the journals in the scrapbooking sections of craft stores (M’s, J’s). I rarely write directly on a page with a Sharpie…usually I gesso & paint first (acrylics). Often I add layers of tissue or other papers with gel medium. Then I write with a Sharpie or any other pen that I can find on my desk. If a pen bleeds through, it just means you have to add more layers to the next page. 🙂

I’ve done nothing today but scrapbook and almost-art-ing activities. Laundry, dirty dishes…they can wait, right?

(Un)Quality Time…

Spent way too much time taking asinine internet quizzes. For example, what kind of food are you?

You Are Italian Food
Comforting yet overwhelming.
People love you, but sometimes you’re just too much.

That’s kinda funny in a too-close-to-the truth sort of way. The more I think about it, the more a bunch of my unresolved issues from adolescence rear their ugly, orthodontia-ed heads. Darn you, Blogthings.com.

Happy New Year…

It’s the new year, rah rah. I haven’t set a single goal or resolution, or even given it a thought. I’m still recovering from "the holidays"…and the three birthdays and the anniversary and the money flying out of my wallet like a bat out of heck. So, off the top of my little ole noggin, here’s what I’d like to accomplish this year:

In general: exercise more, read more, eat less, "art" more, cook more at home, eat out way less, take more pictures.

To do: get my bike fixed up (haven’t touched it in..cough…10 years) so I can ride w/ the kiddos, go on photo field trips with Sher, spend more time with friends, write in my journal(s) regularly. Oh yeah, and blog more. Woot woot.