I am alive…barely…

This week sucked. There’s no other word for it. Went to the doc on Wednesday and got shots in my back and hip…have to go back today for more. But the shots have helped. I am not in utter agony like I was earlier this week. I have scoliosis in my lower back and it is inflamed, and my pelvis is crooked b/c I have one leg shorter than the other. So now I need to wear an orthotic for the rest of my life. It will look real snappy taped into my flip-flops, but I don’t care. I’ll do anything to make this pain go away.

I scrapped laying down in my bed this week because I had ScrapGal assignments due! That’s why the letters are crooked on the pages…I couldn’t really see what the heck I was doing.



AWOL no more….

The holidays are about over. I have yet to tackle putting away the decorations and taking down the trees. How is that for a bland statement of the obvious?? It’s either that or utter snarkiness, which is probably inappropriate for the season.

Tomorrow I must scrap and work on the ScrapGal newsletter…and I have a very neat album to share with you. Until then…

Happy birthday Cole!

Yesterday was my middle son’s 9th birthday! On the layout below, he was 1 year old (sorry for the cruddy pic…it’s not easy to take pics of those clear Hambly overlays). Today is my anniversary (16 years). Needless to say, we’ve had a busy few weeks with all the various celebrations.



I got tagged by the talented Dawn to list six weird things about myself. Hmm, six. How do I limit it to only that many?

  1. I must, must brush my teeth before I take a shower. I can’t be in the shower with morning mouth. Ick.
  2. I’m rarely late. I have issues with people being chronically late, too. One of the most selfish things you can do is waste someone else’s time.
  3. I’m messy as heck. I don’t hang up my clothes or put things away until it builds up to a breaking point. Then I put everything away and thus the cycle of chaos begins anew. Plus I hate housework. I find it so incredibly unfulfilling. I keep the main living areas of my home pretty clean, but my side of the bed and my art studio are not a pretty sight.
  4. I must have my toenails painted nicely at all times. Even if I’m not wearing sandals daily, I still have to look at my feet at the end of the day and I want ’em to look good.
  5. There are many people who don’t "get" the whole mixed media/collage/alternative art thing that I do. I do it, I love it…sorry if you don’t get it.
  6. I often crave gummy candy (sour patch kids, spice drops, gummy coke bottles, etc.).

If you’re reading this, consider yourself tagged! Leave me a comment & let me know if you’ve done it.

It’s a barf-a-long…

Wanna join us in a barf-a-long? We keep getting different versions of the stomach flu and gleefully passing them around. All for free! You can come over as long as you promise not to vomit on any porous surfaces.

Sick day linkage:

  • Events in the Night Sky, photography by Stan Richards. The most awesome pictures of the aurora borealis. He posted some that he took in Dec. 14th over Iowa. Gorgeous images!
  • Considering the current status of my Christmas cards this year, I may be sending these.
  • Gadgets that prey on the fear in all of us. Why yes, yes I do need a hammer that will break my car window if I find myself submurged in a murky canal. Here’s a direct quote from the product description: "So you need not futilely flail away with kicks or punches." Yay, no futile flailing!!