What is it about Mondays??

I propose Mondays be renamed to "Slugdays"…reason for name change is obvious, I think.



And Krista tagged me…here goes…

1. If you could have the last hour prior to reading this tag again, what would you do differently? Um…nothing. I am catching up on ScrapGal posts since I wasn’t online much this weekend.

2. You can go back in time for exactly one hour, where and at what time in history would you go? Hmm. So many good moments to choose from…I’d love to see how they built the Giza pyramids, maybe hang out in the Acropolis, catch a show at the Roman Coliseum, watch Michaelangelo paint the Sistine chapel…I would really love to see some of the events from the Savior’s life, too.

3. You have one hour to make a handmade item, what would you make? A scrapbook page or art journal entry.

4. If you could lose one bad habit, what would it be? Overeating.

5. In less than sixty words, describe your perfect Saturday night. Hanging out with the family watching movies.

6. List sixty things you could do with an extra hour. Sleep. Imagine I typed that out 60 times. Ha. No, I’d probably catch up on reading–I have so many books I want to read but never get to.

Tagged x 3…

Got tagged by Francine, Sherine, and Mel… The basic gist is list "7 (or 6) Quirks/Weirdness About Yourself" I’ve done this tag at least 3 times before, but sadly have not run out of quirks to expose to the world. Let’s begin, shall we?

  1. I hate mornings. I just don’t feel good in the a.m. Please don’t talk to me until at least 10:00 a.m. and even then, use short sentences.
  2. I’m one of the only English majors in the world who does not love the book Pride & Prejudice.
  3. I love reading magazines. I’m currently addicted to Business Week and Wired. Thanks to the redemption of some almost-ready-to-expire airline miles, I also take Oprah, Domino, Blueprint, Cookie, W, Harper’s Bazaar, Family Fun, Conde Nast Traveler, In Style, TV Guide, ESPN mag, and a few others I can’t even remember. (Yep, that’s what the airline miles from my China trip got me.) That list doesn’t include my scrap/art mags. I’m not looking forward to the renewal notices on all those mags…I didn’t pay for ’em and I’m only gonna renew my absolute favorites. And yes, I recycle those puppies (and their renewal notices).
  4. I love Lucky Charms, but I don’t eat ’em for breakfast. I eat ’em for dessert.
  5. I just asked Carter what is weird about me and he said, "Nothing, why do you ask that?" heh. The brainwashing is working…
  6. I like to dance in the aisles of Target.
  7. I asked Curt what is weird about me and he said, "Your imagination." Hmm. Note to self: more brainwashing required for this specimen.

Okay, I am offically calling "game over" on this tag…I hereby promise to not put more random quirkness about myself out there in the universe (at least not in this meme format).


Went upstairs to get caught up in my Art History reading (currently on the chapters on art in the Americas pre 1300 and post 1300)…and before I knew it I was konked out and dreaming some bizarro stuff. I woke up 2 hours later thinking I was in Italy eating gnocchi. Maybe it’s because the Food Network was on in the background and it entered my subconscious. Kind of wish I were in Italy eating gnocchi…

Today’s PAD…


Had a busy/stressful morning…

Why do I always reward myself with food when I’m busy/stressed? I stopped at QT and bought the most scrumptious powdered donuts. I ate them watonly with no care at all about sugar on my lips or shirt. Is there such a thing as the powdered donut diet? No? Snags.

PAD (i.e. page-a-day) for 10/23:



Life has been busy, busy lately. I’m becoming a docent through the program at the Phoenix Art Museum, and it’s like being back in school….assignments, hundreds of pages of reading, class time. It’s fun, I enjoy it, but it’s overwhelming right now. Today I forced myself to scrap a page–I’ll post it tomorrow. It’s a simple one, a "take time to be creative" page. It’s about all I could muster right now.

Heh. I said muster. That is a funny word. I think I’m hyped up on too much pumpkin bread. You know that baking rule that says, "You must consume half of the total volume of your baked goods on the day you bake them.." Well, I’ve been living that rule with precision today. Wanna piece of pumpkin bread?

The good news of the day is that a plumber came to my home to see why there are water stains on my family room ceiling, and he actually gave me honest advice and didn’t charge me a dime. Seriously. If you’re in the Phoenix area and want an honest plumber, let me know and I’ll give you his number. He was even wearing a belt.

That said, anyone know a good fiberglass resurfacing guy?
