I’m off to CHA in Vegas. Let the good times roll. See you when I get back!!
Category: Uncategorized
Today I feel…
Sigh. I was at an all-day Cub Scout meeting today and got my knickers in a twist over some rude comments one of the teachers made. Rude. Rude. Rude. Rude. Rude. Rude. Rude. Rude. Rude.
On an unrelated topic…I’ve been reading poems from this book:
If you haven’t read poetry in a while, pick up this book or it’s antecedent, Good Poems. The poems are non-threatening (some are almost prose-like), very accessible and very relatable. They are delicious little morsels of writing that will get into your soul and leave an imprint. Kleenex warning…some of these poems will make you cry.
The best kind of mail…
is "artful" mail. Here are a couple of the luscious ATCs I’ve received from Marilyn’s Fortune swap. Guess I need to get mine done, eh?
How does this pic relate to personal history? It was taken at Women’s Conf. a year ago. My friend Lulu and I were laughing so hard that the women next door told us to quiet down. This pic makes me think of laughter, of friendships past and present. It makes me think of giggling with abandon, with no fear of consequence, of the sheer joy of loving a friend and feeling loved in return.
Art journal page…
Hell almost froze over today because I had my kitchen floor mopped before 8:30 a.m.
I know. It’s shocking.
That little bit of housework entitled me to blow off the rest of the day. Ha. I wish. I ran errands, but I did manage to get a little art journaling done. This idea for this page came to me yesterday. I hope to work on the Art Journal Challenge prompts later tonight and tomorrow.
Scrap that…
I’ve been scrapping like crazy this week…got the bug to get my China album done. So far I have 32 pages finished (I probably did half of those in the last 3 days). See, aren’t the pages just scintillating??? (The pic stinks, I was too lazy to pull out my good flash. Sorry.) Don’t you just want to lay down and roll around in all those finished SB pages??? No? Well, humpf.
I was in church today feeling weepy and emotional for no good reason, and an idea for an art journal page swept over me. I’ll work on it tomorrow.
Apologies to my mother…
I’m sorry, mom. But I have to post this. It is just so funny. It’s make-any-day-better funny. It’s who-cares-my-son-carved-his-name-into-my-bed-and-wiped-boogers-on-the-wall funny.
But it’s also a little gross. And a tad sacreligious. So consider yourself warned. When you’re viewing it, please remember that I live with BOYS. Gross, silly boys.
I recommend video number 4 (you might have to watch a Discovery Channel commercial before they play it for ya).
Art journal week 2…
52 Figments…..
Stumbled across a great art project, 52 Figments. The artist gives you one prompt a week, you interpret the prompt artistically and mail your version to her. Very cool.
Of course, if you don’t want to mail anything, the prompts are great starting points for art journal pages, All-About-Me scrapbook pages, regular journaling….