
A little peekie…

Here's a little peek of a super-inky, super-grungy page that will be going up on the Entreartistes blog in the next couple of days…I'll be sure & post when the challenge goes live!

  Dina i think 03

Typical Dina page….

Typical page for me…I still love silhouettes. And grunge. And color. Oh, how I love color.

Woman 01

Woman 02

Guest today over at The Play Date Cafe…

Check out The Play Date Cafe for a color challenge inspired by one of my art journal pages. I'm honored!

Play date cafe

Lots of pages unfinished….and that’s okay.

Lately I've been starting pages and then getting impatient quickly and moving on. As a result, I have a journal with TONS of unfinished pages. I'm sure at some point inspiration will strike and I will go back and finish them. Or maybe I won't. Who knows?

Towers 1

Towers 2

  Faces 01

Visitor on my (very) messy desk….

Messy desk


Can you spot my visitor? And yes, I know I need to clean up this mess. I will, after I'm done with my current project. And maybe after dinner. And after I go to Target. You know, I'll clean it then.


I’m the guest at Simply ArTistiC…

Head over to the Simply ArTistiC and play along with a fun challenge. Best part? You just have to make an ATC…easy peasy! You can win a 7Gypsies library drawer, too. Rockin.

Here's my card:

Atc dina

I’m baaack!

Whew! I am finally feeling better (energy is back, cough is easing up). Being sick really put me behind on everything…oh well. It will all get done somehow, right?

A few fun things I want to share:

  • This weekend is an online crop at Jenni Bowlin Studios! The DT has lots of challenges and chats and prizes planned. The crop will be at our new message board. Join us!

Crop badge

  • The March JBS Gallery is live…lots of fun projects there! Remember that the gallery is updated with even more layouts and projects on the 10th of the month.

Dina jbs mar 01

Myboys 03

  • A lot of my time has been consumed with working on a project that I can't share (yet). hee hee. But, I did manage to do a bit of journaling.

Window girl 01

Window girl 02


Feb Class at Creative Quest Moved to March

Hand-carved Word Stamps for Art Journaling and Mixed Media

Dina aj 04
Feb class

I am so sorry we had to cancel the class on Friday…I was in bed coughing up a lung and nursing a high fever. We're rescheduling the class, the new date is:

Friday, March 11th from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.


Call the store directly to sign up…623.847.2215.

Take your personal journaling to new heights by using hand-carved word stamps. Hand-carving a stamp out of an eraser is easy, and you’ll find that you use your collection of words over and over again!

In class we’ll discuss and carve our words. You’ll create a collection of words that are meaningful to you. Then we’ll incorporate our words into our journals and other mixed-media art. Come and have fun experimenting and playing!

Please bring:

  • All your usual art journaling and mixed-media supplies (gesso, acrylic paint, brushes, pen for journaling, regular pencil, ephemera, etc.).
  • Permanent black ink pad, like a Ranger Archival pad.
  • If you’d like to work in your journal, please bring it. I will have watercolor paper for you to use, too. You are always welcome to bring other substrates, as well (canvas, wood panels…whatever interests you!).
  • Tool for making hand-carved stamps. I have the Speedball Carving Kit (retails for around $14). I prefer the two smallest v-shaped cutting nibs, but if you buy the kit, it comes with several types. I will provide the erasers for carving.
  • A list of words that are meaningful to you.

AWOL because….

I've been AWOL because first I had sick kids, now I'm the sickie. I haven't had a fever in years, it doesn't feel very good…ugh. Decided to get out of bed today and try to get some work done…we'll see how long it lasts.

ETA Update: I have walking pneumonia…aargh!

Messy girl

And the JBS winner is…

Love all of the new items, especially the new stamps! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Posted by: christy a | February 07, 2011 at 12:27 PM

Congrats, Christy A! 🙂 Just email me your address and I'll pass it onto the powers that be.