
Out of the Journal Week 4…

Here's my week 4 canvas. We still have one more week in August, so there's still time to play if you haven't joined us already!

I decided not to paint the face of the woman, I liked the outline of her against the craziness of the background.

Canvas 01

Canvas 02

Canvas 03

Can't wait to see what you came up with this week! I am enjoying doing each week's canvas. I'm really tempted to try to keep it up for a longer period of time. I'm tempted to paint over some of the ones I did last time.

Note that I'm going to post next week's canvas on Thurs, Aug 30th, because I'm participating in a blog hop on Friday.

A buggy page…

I was flipping through a magazine and came across a full-page photograph of a bee. I kept paging throug the magazine, but couldn't stop thinking about the bee. Finally I tore it out and added it to my "inspiration" file. I grabbed my journal and sketched the bee onto the page with the magic pencil (Stabilo Marks All). I like the way it looks…and it was fun to draw something other than a moody female face.

Bug 02

Bug 01

Another Inktense face…

Here's another page done with Inktense pencils…she turned out so weird because of the extra long neck. It makes me laugh…she's like a giraffe girl.

Inktense 03

Inktense 04

Inktense pencils…

About a year ago I bought a bunch of Inktense pencils. I've barely used them, though, so I gave myself a little challenge to do some pages with them. I scribbled away in my journals…fun! I really love to use them on a wet page.

Inktense 02\

Inktense 01


Out of the Links for Week 3

Here they are! Have fun!

Marjie's Dream Canvas

Carolyn's Architecture

Sue's Birdhouse

Clare's Flowers

Marla's Butterfly

Skinnamer's Heart Collage

Chris' Pretty Girl

Laura's Vintage Gals

Michelle's Lovely Gal

Joanna's Stenciled Gal

Lin's Lovely Bird

Michelle's Dimensional Collage

Jessica's Resined Canvas

Teresa's Love Canvases

Why I work in more than one journal at a time…

Michelle posted a comment and asked me for more information about my journals…how many I have going at a time, and how I decide which one to work in and when.

The main reason I work in more than one journal is that I hate to wait for paint to dry. I know, that's not a deep or very artistic reason, but it's the practical truth. I'm impulsive and can be a tad impatient when it comes to art. If I have to wait for paint to dry, it stunts the flow of my ideas and creativity. So, while one thing dries, I grab another journal and continue working.

This workstyle works for me because I never, ever start a page with a finished result in mind. Never. I start with color. Any color that's on my table, or a color that's near the top of my paint drawer. I don't really think about it. I just start. Sometimes I start with ink. Sometimes I start with writing.Sometimes I blot a stencil and start with that. Sometimes I glue down paper and start with that.

While my "start" dries, I grab another journal. It may already have color on a page or two. I look at the color and listen. I let it tell me what to do next. I add more layers. I experiment, I see what happens. If I over-do it (and I often do), I just paint over it. While that dries, I grab another journal (or the first one I worked on).

I look at the page. I listen to it. I let it tell me what to do next. At some point I write (because to me, an art journal is still a journal. I write sometimes a lot sometimes a little, but I write. And I disguise it on purpose so you can't read it well…heh heh). At some point I add focal imagery…drawing, stamping, collage.

This is why I can have 3 or 4 pages going on at once. I often work on 2 pages (the pages in a spread) at the same time in a journal, then will work on 2 pages in a second (or third) journal. Sometimes I treat the 2-page spread as one page.

I know that the process sounds new-agey and weird, but it's what I do. If the page isn't speaking to me, I don't worry about. I turn the page and add color to a new page.

Right now I have two main journals going…my ledger and my Dylusions. In the past I've had as many as 4 or 5 going at one time. For awhile I kept a little journal that I wiped all my extra paint into…that was a fun one. I need to do that again!

This moody gal is in the Dylusions journal…still need to write.

Moody 02

Moody 01

I'm actually planning on writing a new art journaling online class, which will replace and update my old classes (Art Journaling 101 and 102). I'll talk about my process and walk you through it step by step.I'm excited about revising the old material! Especially since my personal journaling process has changed quite a bit since I wrote those classes several years ago.

If you have art/journaling questions, let me know. I'll do my best to answer them!

Even more hearts…

I often do several pages at once with the same motifs and colors. Part of my working style is to start a page, and while it dries turn to another page and keep working. That's why I often have 4 or more pages going at once. I love to play with colors and motifs, using them in different ways…or sometimes using them in the same way over and over.

Hearts 02

Hearts 01

I still love hearts…

I still love hearts. And ink. And stencils…hee hee.

Hearts 03

Hearts 06

Out of the Journal Week 3

Here's mine, a painted girl. I had proportion issues with this, but I'm leaving it. It's how it turned out, c'est la vie.

Canvas 01

Canvas 02

Add your links to this post…I will blog about them on Monday!

Another one-eyed girl…

One eye 04

One eye 03

The alpha stencil is from Jenni Bowlin Studios…love it! Jenni is putting some exclusive stencils in her kits now, along with exclusive stamps.