
I had an incredibly awesome time at Art Unraveled. Sigh. I want to take an art class every day! I don’t want to go back to my regular life, I don’t want to! You can’t make me! Well, I guess you can make me. Doh. The AU experience was wonderful because it was so validating. I don’t totally suck! I can do this! WOO HOO!

The first class I took was Creating a Visual Memoir by the one and only art goddess Lynne Perella. I love Lynne’s work. She is inspiring and I worship her (truly), so when I saw that she was coming to Art Unraveled again I knew I had to take a class from her. It. Was. Wonderful.  Lynne was incredibly encouraging and eloquent. She had us do some exercises on composition and creativity, and I learned so much from her. She talked about how she creates a work of art…that it is reactionary. She puts down one image, then she reacts to that image. Then she reacts again to the second image she placed, and so on. It was neat to hear her speak about her creative process because it’s similar to the way I approach things. When I start a project, I just start. I very rarely have an idea in my head…I just start putting color on the page and then I see what happens next.

She handed us all a HUGE (about 24" x 36") piece of red tar paper. It’s a construction supply….there is probably some under your carpet right now. We applied gesso liberally and then used different methods to create texture in the gesso before it dried. When it was dry, we started painting and applying layers. Lynne is a master layerer…as she says, you can’t fake layering. You must put in the work. So we layered away. When I thought I was stuck, Lynne would come by and tell me to keep going. She encouraged us and pushed us, and it was so wonderful I felt like crying.

Lynne said so many wonderful things about my art. I asked her how she knows when she is finished with a piece, and she said to me, "Your piece was beautiful 10 minutes after you started, and it’s beautiful now. You can stop whenever you feel you should." Of course, lest you think I was a pet, she was encouraging to everyone. But let me pretend that I was especially wonderful (LOL!). Many other students complimented me on my art, also, and took pictures of my piece.

So…on to the art. It’s huge…you have to realize that. It’s messy. It’s abstract. It looks better in person. As Lynne would call it, it’s "alternative art." So it’s kind of a big mess when you look at it as a whole. In fact, Lynn had many people make their piece into a book, since a large piece of crazy painted paper looks amazing when it’s cut down into smaller, more focused pages. I may make mine into a book…haven’t decided yet. Many of the other students in the class told me not to (LOL!…I guess they liked it as it was), but I still might. The paper is heavy and flexible and loaded with paint & collage. You can clicky click on the pics to enlarge them…the close-ups should show you more detail.







Okay, enough of that one.

Today’s class was Uber Self Portraits by Traci Bunkers. I went into this class very intimidated. This class was all about the finished product, while Lynne’s class was all about the process.

We had to take a photo of ourself & cut it into four quadrants. Then we had to have the quadrants color-copied and enlarged. We worked on each quadrant separately, then joined them at the end & mounted them on canvas. Then we added a bit more collage & paint to unify the whole piece. This was so fun! The canvas is 16" x 20".







Art nirvana…

I get to take classes at Art Unraveled the next two days…tomorrow my class is with Lynne Perella (woot!) and Friday I’m taking a class from Traci Bunkers. Art nirvana, here I come!!

I cut my own bangs yesterday. Cutting one’s own bangs is always a desperate act. You turn up your nose at bad-bang consequences (crookedness, too-short-ness, etc.) and just hack away. Sigh. Luckily I didn’t take off too much. This time. Once I cut my bangs so short that I looked like that actress (Anne Baxter) in The Ten Commandments…oh, Moses, Moses!


The day in numbers…

Number of minutes I waited at the doctor’s office for my appointment today: 72

Number of empty soda cans on my desk (not all consumed today): 7

Number of Cub Scout awards I have to buy at the Scout Store today: 30

Number of loads of laundry waiting to be done: 5+

Number of Legos I have stepped on: 789118221

Number of pages written in journal: 2

Number of bathrooms that are verging on the grossness of Chevron bathrooms & need to be cleaned: 3

Number of bathrooms I will clean today: 0

Number of days that my kids have not been able to watch TV because of their sheer boldness in defying the rules of the family room (i.e. no food in there): 5



This is the first day of a new phase in my life. All of my kids are in school all day long. I did a little laundry, sat in front of the computer for too long, went to Olive Garden with a friend for lunch (soup, salad & bread…yum!) and then went to Target & Costco all by myself. It was glorious!

Is camera lust a sin?

Okay, I’ve lusted after the Nikon D200 for quite awhile…but with the six-month waiting list and $1700 price tag for the body only, the D200 is just a wish and a fancy.

But…now…this…the Nikon D80. It has the "guts" of the D200, but not the price tag. I want, I want, I want.


Today’s scrapping…


White journaling on the picture says: At first this sign made me laugh–then it made me sad. People come to this bridge in crisis, believing there is no hope, prepared to jump and end their life. I want my 3 boys to know that there is always hope. There is always a way to overcome. Never give up on yourself.


Spent the weekend at Monterey Bay Aquarium and San Francisco. Overall a nice trip, but my kids decided to compete for the Brattiest Kid in the Universe title, and oh my, do my pictures show it. Don’t believe me? Here’s proof….

The picture below epitomizes the mood…one was always grumpy, one was always happy, and one was always antagonizing the other one. Fun times.


Um, dear Zombies, please return my child when you’re done possessing him. Or, if you like, keep him. Good luck at bedtime.


3 kids + 1 full-size Chevy Impala + hours of driving down Highway 1 = apocalyptic mania.


Hey, look over here…right here guys, look here, all at the same time, Cole stop that! Guys, guys! HEY! *click*


I was half-tempted to make the call.


At least I got a good picture of the jellyfish. Sigh.


Weekend nothingness…

I have sneezed 9 times in a row this a.m. (so far). Allergies stink. Oh, make that 10 times.

I was thinking that there has been no Numa Numa guy or Star Wars kid sensation for quite a while on the internet. The History of Dancing video made its rounds & was good fun, but what’s next? Where’s the next idiot with a webcam, a boombox, and iron-clad self-esteem? I wonder.

Spent some time this a.m. poking around Ilka’s Attic.   Some great art inspiration there. I love the piece she has up on ebay right now…too bad I have no wall space for it.

Make that 11 times.


I feel like throwing my 50mm lens out the window. I just cannot get a sharp picture from it at low apertures, even with back-button focusing. I did some internet research and discovered that I’m not alone…the problem is common among lens under $100, most likely a quality control issue. Doh. Too late to return it, I’ve had it for months.

Still, he’s cute, no?
