All the stars are aligning…


Yes, I passed level 15 in Sticky Tetris and won the whole game. And all I got was that lousy "You Won" screen. I thought the Gameboy would at least shoot out a few sparks.

I’ve been Hambly-scrapping and having a blaaaaast. Can’t wait to show you what I’ve been up to….


You know my blog isn’t all roses and puppies. I blog about feeling tired, icky. You know, the good with the bad. Gotta keep it real, right? Well, let’s keep it real. Yesterday was a lousy, no-good day. Felt down for no valid reason. Felt icky with some health issues. Felt sick of the kids fighting over Mario & Luigi and something about stars and oompas.

Then something exciting happened.

But I can’t tell you what it is.


We’re gonna party like it’s your birthday…

So, today’s my bday…came into today released from any self-imposed expectations about birthdays and people remembering or not remembering. And it’s been good. Look at this fab album my mom made me! It’s full of fun pictures and clever quips made up by my dad (birthday wishes for me from various celebrities, political figures, etc). Too fun. I just love it. Can I say how cool it is to have a mom who scrapbooks?


Bdaywishes1      Bdaywishes2      Bdaywishes3 

Went to lunch w/ great friends…Lu & La & Ra. We ate entirely too much chips & salsa and had a fun time laughing & talking. Now I’m home w/ the fellas, just hanging out, just relaxing. Just being. Thankful for loving friends, loving family.